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Not just a nose,
but confidence and self-assurance


What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty has become increasingly popular in recent years as one of the most common procedures. A well-balanced nose plays a vital role in facial beauty and attractiveness. Rhinoplasty can also address breathing difficulties and asymmetry.

In the case of open rhinoplasty, an incision is made through the columella once anesthesia is administered correctly. This grants access to the nasal structure, which the surgeon reshapes and modifies for optimal results.

Alternatively, your surgeon might choose the closed method, where incisions remain concealed within the nose. During your consultation, delve into the method that suits you best and discuss the specific shape you wish to attain with your surgeon.

Recovery After a Rhinoplasty

Following rhinoplasty, splints and gauze packing secure your nose for a few days. These will be refreshed during post-op appointments. Most activities can be resumed after about a week, once gauze and stitches are removed. Bruising, particularly around the eyes, may be visible but should diminish within approximately 2 weeks. Swelling and bruising can be alleviated with cold compresses.

Do I need Rhinoplasty Surgery?

You are an ideal candidate for nose surgery if you:

  • Desire correction of a nose bump

  • Seek a smaller nose

  • Have experienced nasal injury affecting breathing

  • Wish to enhance breathing and sleep quality

  • Aim to reshape the nasal tip or alar area

  • Are dissatisfied with nostril size or position

  • Maintain good health and ideal weight

  • Have researched the procedure and potential risks


As the Aesthetics Team, we ensure your comprehensive health assessment before surgery and provide unwavering support throughout recovery, ensuring your well-being.

Aftercare is equally significant in enhancing procedure effects. Ceasing smoking and alcohol during healing is advised to prevent healing delays and potential impact on results. Prop yourself up with pillows when lying down or sleeping. Swelling may be prominent initially but gradually diminishes after days 2 and 3, the most challenging period. Trust the process.

Painkillers may be prescribed if needed. Patience is crucial – a better version of yourself is on the horizon!

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